Earthquake Bracing Incorporated, EBI, (CA lic #1030502, FEMA-trained) participates in the Earthquake Brace & Bolt Program, EBB. We brace and bolt raised foundation homes to prevent them from sliding off their concrete foundations during earthquakes. A typical home can be completed in one day at LITTLE COST to the homeowner using the $3000 Earthquake Brace and Bolt Program FEMA incentive. We also provide a form signed by the contractor and building inspector for a 5% discount on your homeowner’s insurance and a 20% – 50% discount on CEA Earthquake Insurance.
All work is completed in accordance with the California Existing Building Code Appendix Chapter A3 (LA Standard Plan Set 1), and retrofits comply with city and county guidelines.
We will handle the entire earthquake retrofit: from fulfilling EBB application requirements, to pulling the building permit, to providing the materials, to completing the retrofit work, and finally, to passing the building inspection.
What we do
We brace and bolt raised foundation homes to their concrete foundations. This includes bolting the wood floor framing to the concrete foundation and connecting the weak links between wood floor framing members using structural steel hardware. It may also include bracing the short wood walls, commonly called cripple walls, with plywood to increase their ability to withstand sideways motion and the resulting stress caused by an earthquake.
What do we do for our clients once there are accepted into the Earthquake Brace and Bolt program?
Stress-free process!!!
We completely handle the EBB application process and retrofit work from start to finish.
We Have Retrofitted 1200+ HoMES, NEARLY ALL OF THEM WITH THE earthquake brace and bolt program IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
We are listed in the EBB Contractor Directory, CA contractors license number 1030502, and have successfully completed the EBB FEMA training program along with the FEMA P-807 soft-story retrofit training.
It has given me a secure feeling with peace of mind to have had my foundation braced and bolted with Tim Sparks and his crew of quality workers.
8/26/2020: Appreciated the five star effort from my contractor Tim Sparks. His efficiency and organization in handling the project well reflected his experience in doing hundreds of retrofits in Southern California. If the project appears complicated to you as you begin your involvement in it, as it did to me, let me assure you, Tim will make it an interesting and pleasant experience. I highly recommend Tim Sparks and Earthquake Bracing, Inc.
10/10/2020: This contractor was excellent! He provided a very competitive bid, demonstrated a clear understanding of the seismic retrofit and EBB process, and walked me through each step. He was a prompt communicator, and he was very reliable with scheduled appointments. Highly recommended!
The work ethic
Workplace safety, along with quality work, are our highest priorities.
We are EM 385 1.1 Army Safety Certified, the highest safety standard in the world.
We also carry Workers Compensation Insurance, just in case.
The Vision
The value of the company
Who Pays For The Retrofit?
Who Funds The Program?
How to Apply
You can apply via the Earthquake Brace and Bolt Program or simply enter your contact information on this website and we will register you when the next EBB Registration opens.